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Showing posts from June, 2017

Walking with cows - again

Yesterday morning, before a very important meeting in the afternoon, which will be posted in a while here fencing needed to be checked and renewed before moving the cows yet again. They had eaten the patch down they were in very quickly so it was a bit of a rapid move inbetween hay making. This morning they walked the path behaving themselves through to a previously cut hay field, where the grass has re grown for them to munch on for at least, hopefully few days.

Mad dogs and English men

Go out in the mid day sun. Felling hot, hot, hot Best place to eat your bone But then try and find some where cool Hay cutting Hot chicks Shaded Guinea-pigs And Rabbits Gorgon checking out if it has cooled down Lids soaking the heat up outside where he spent most of the day I put the ovens on full whack to make bread And ironed for the charity shop It's been a tad warm the past few days, wilting like an English rose I can only 'do' mornings outside before I start to expire, even checking the animals water at lunchtime brings my eyes stinging as perspiration falls into them. So I stayed inside to make bread and do my good turn in ironing clothes ready to go to the Parisot charity shop after I answered a plea for ironers. Although they have not seen my work, don't think ironing will be my next carer choice. The French make clothes were a lot harder to iron with fiddly bits than the English brands so I could always adverti

Birthday celebrations

Yesterday I celebrated my big birthday, 50 years young. I had a lovely weekend with family and friends, was spoilt with presents, including getting a new  addition of another dog - Drinks whoop, whoop. Drinks flowed and food was consummed. Last night we went out for a amazing meal at Cote Sauveur in Villefranche De Rouergue, our favourite restaurant. Thank you to my wonderful family for secretly arranging, shopping, baking cakes and spoiling me.

Hedge cutting

The weather has been a bit iffy here, rain showers and sun has meant that Farmer J has not been able to have a clear run of cutting, turning, lining up and bailing hay. With itchy fingers he had to 'cut' something and turned his energy into cutting the hedge that surrounds our house. When we moved here nearly 13 years ago the hedge was one of those well maintained, neat box type .It has taken us long enough to turn it into a wild, large spreading high hedge where the fence is bending over due to the sheer growth and weight of it. Not a peacock or ball in sight, a dog or cat shape chained sawed but now a trimmed wavy hedge that looks a bit more managed than before. Just don't let Farmer J near your hair unless you want a wavy cut.

Fete medieval

The weekend just past was a holiday in France today being Pentecost it was also Najac's medieval fair which was probably a wash out on Saturday as it did not stop raining all day. Yesterday was better, cloudy but dry so we popped up to the village before farmer J went farm crazy. It encompased all things based around a past time when there was knights, princesses and people who blew horns. With stalls selling these wears along with big bird displays, jousting, medieval muscicians (who looked exceddingly good for the age) and food, apart from the waffles that were cooked on an open fire as not sure they had waffle mavchins back then. We didn't stay too long but long enough to watch the weird French entertainment of linning up men to run towards soldiers as they catupulted boiled sweets for them to fight over, yes they are a bit strange the French, then dressing up as an old maiden as you serve coffee in the locasl bar could also be seen as b