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Adopted us December 2008 left us 18th December 2015

Seven years ago our gentle giant met us over the woods when we were hunting for our Christmas tree. He followed us home and stayed, He came to us very ill , his life saved today he left us ill again.

We had to make that awful decision many pet owners have to make. Today he couldn't walk and his eyes said it all. He had had enough and we think more was going on than his auto immune system giving up on him (as if that wasn't enough) .

At around 12 years old we think his days were spent for the past seven years enjoying his time barking at trees that squirrels had left a long time ago, chasing deer he was never going to catch, nudging for a stroke and being a loyal best friend. This afternoon we buried him next to his mate Milo under the oak trees at the top of our highest field with one of the most magnificent views over where he use to roam.  Go run Tyser x


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