Today in two trips some of the cows and their calves were taken to summer grazing at La Conite, about 5kms from our farm. It was not an easy manouver.
Cows who are too excitable and wild stayed behind here and were let out first with their calves to start nibbling their way through the lush spring grass. That bit was easy.
The hard bit came in ushering the others into the trailer when really they were not that sure about it, possibly due to infrequency they go out for a drive around the countryside. It took many hours and hard graft for farmer J in the way of putting a cord round their horns and pulling them in (then securing them so they don't come out again.
So now all cows are out to grass, no morning or evening feeding routine but of course there will be new routine of summer jobs to do.
So we wont get a chance to meet and feed a cow when we get there in June... maybe some other farm animals. - J&J