This morning was the last morning of feeding hay to the cows, this evening farmer J doesn't know what to do with himself. It's been five months of morning and evening feeding, the calves had their real taste of grass when the electric fence was taken down and they were called to the gate. The first turn out onto new pasture usually makes for a lovely sight as they get very excited running and kicking their heels and waggling their heads in the grass but today it was very subdued they just walked towards us, once in the field heads were down to start munching away, no running or going bonkers.
Each year around the 10th April they are let out to the fields, the tell tell signs of heads pushing through the barbed wire to eat a few blades of grass as they poke through. Yesterday the smell and sight got the better of one as she jumped fence into the hay field and was a real pain to get back in. It was time to let them out as it would only be a matter of days before the herd broke through the fence as the grass is always greener on the other side.
Hopefully no more escaping they are happy to munch, munch, munch for now.
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