After a mild Christmas temperatures went below freezing making the pipes to the cows bath water and pigs freeze up, containers were filled and fetched for the pigs but its a different matter for a herd of large cows all needing a drink.
So on a rather biting windy morning posts were placed with an electric fence being threaded through from the hanger down to the source in the side field, giving the herd access to the woods as well. It took all morning as plastic fence posts were hunted down and pinched from pig enclosures not in use (we seem to get through an amazing amount of these plastic posts) as farmer J switched the fence on and the cows were led down to water I placed the last plastic post in to see a young steer run through the fence taking the wire with him. So after a bit of colourful language, herding them all back, shutting off the field, having a large coffee the fence was mended and re threaded (more fence posts had to be borrowed as he also manged to brake a few of these) then they could have access.
We had a lovely haw frost, very pretty to look at but still frozen pipes and no water makes feeding the animals a tad harder. Thankfully we had a merry band of helpers to ease the carrying of containers.
New Years Eve we had old friends from the UK stying for a couple of nights, a big meal, fireworks and games was enjoyed by all with a full English brunch New Years day followed by a very long walk around the countryside of Najac.
Farmer J had his birthday on the second, our friends left in the evening with kids hanging on. Miss F and fitness guru partner were last to go yesterday evening. Decorations are now packed away, quiet again its back to normal.
At least the temperatures warmed up, pipes unfrozen and water running freely. Today was quiet with a bit of spinning with the help of a worn out dog.
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