The ducklings have now been with us three weeks in that time they have grown a lot. Now they are starting to get proper feathers it was time to move them out of their small day run into somewhere bigger. I did contemplate putting a run in Gorgon's field but firstly as they would have their food in with them Gorgon being the bull in a china shop kind of pig would of trashed the pen to get to the food, he is after all a pig (we have many panels of chicken wired enclosures and fencing that has had a 110kg's of a thick set (he would say big boned) Gorgon's work of needing to get to the other side of an enclosure/ fence and letting the occupants out at the same time). Also secondly with a pair of buzzards setting up home close by circling the sky for tasty treats for their chicks I didn't think they would be in the safest place, a bit like sitting targets. So they were boxed up and wheel barrowed to safer grounds.
The last lot of table birds had left their pen which has made a safe haven for the ducklings, being already buzzard proofed with bailing twine macrame over the top of the wired fence. They now have an area inside, that as yet they haven't stayed in a huge pen for the seven of them, a safe house to be shut in at night time away from Mr Foxy and a small container of water, which they are being introduced slowly to as they were incubated meaning they don't have the oil protection rubbed on them from their mum to protect them form getting a chill (the water will stay on the down).
I am now searching for a paddling pool, the rigid plastic type for them to really have a splash around before they are moved again in with the free range chickens and ducks and able to find their own water sources that we have here plus I'm sure it wont be long before they find the pigs water. We may also find Gorgon in their paddling pool.
Talking of ducks at long last Maude and Mabel the agoraphobic ducks have ventured into the field. No need for that counselling couch after all, its only taken them three weeks to venture outside.
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