With Miss F working in Toulouse today she can't be here to be the Christmas fairy that she does such a good job off. Decorating the tree, putting decorations around the place, decorating the cake, making the chocolate log, shopper and chief cleaner are a few of her jobs (not to mention wrapping farmer J's presents up for him) so it was up to master C, taking the role of master elf to step in her boots (or fairy shoes). So he put the tree up and decorated it with a few helpful hints along the way, took me shopping for last minute forgotten bits (although he was suppose to be helping with the shopping a phone call got in the way), the wrapping of presents for farmer J was left to him, the little elf needs a bit of guidance in this department which meant i would be wrapping my own presents up). However he did come into his own as sous chef and master baker. I decorated the cake this year, a snow storm effect in the kitchen left a snow scene