Gorgon would just like to say for the record "I am not a fussy pig and will eat anything, or try it at least that passes my way should any farm visitor or future gite guest read this - I will be waiting eagerly by the gate should they wish to off load (In no preferred order) apples,oranges,plums,peaches bananas - please peel, carrots, courgettes, tomatoes, cabbage - only if it is cooked, cucumber and, small amounts of bread/ cakes - apparently I am suppose to be dieting. I have tried beans, onions, dock leaves, uncooked cabbage, mushrooms, peppers and aubergines all which I really wouldn't like to try again. You can pass them on to the pigs on the hill". Thank you in advance and looking forward to meeting you soon. GORGON XX P's I have never been given meat products or eaten a chicken, although I do own up to treading on one.