Mr Trump and Tempete All ready Waiting My only firework shot, I know rubbish! Burn Trumpy burn Action shot Never to old for a sparkler Another La Singlarie bonfire night was spent eating, drinking, watching fireworks, lighting sparklers (you are never too old) and seeing Mr Trump go up in flames, he had a bit of a problem with his hair having a flap at the back then sliding off his face, maybe he has a wig in real life? He went up in flames pretty quickly. Thank you Freya for making his papier mache head. A meal of French onion soup, cassoulet and sausages with treacle sponge pudding and creme Anglaise for dessert warmed us up in the gite ready to stand in the damp (or that could of been the mulled wine before hand), thankfully the rain stopped just before. Now for the washing up and tidying away.