Now we are in February the weather has started to change into mid winter weather, a flurry of snow, sleet, rain, wind and damp weather has made everywhere look a bit drab. Mud is everywhere, the cows are grounded to a small bit of the field and hanger as there big hoofed would rip the fields up making them no good for grass this year. Pigs keep digging, hiding their troughs under mud, four were moved after there was nowhere left to put there food troughs or for them to stand. I keep getting stuck, a small group of four managed to push me over in their eagerness for food tonight. mud managed to get through my overalls, in my boots, inside my rubber gloves and up my sleeve. Then it started to snow, thankfully by the time we had got back to the house it had stopped. Franklin was back at the vets for a check on his stitches, a couple were removed for his leg to drain. it has had to be manipulated and sprayed with blue antiseptic spray twice a day thankfully he h